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Auream Phoenix University for Women Legal Status
Auream Phoenix University for Women

Legal Status

The Auream Phoenix University for Women is a relatively new institution, born from the international experience of the Selinus University of Science and Literature which has been operating in the same group since 2014 carrying out international activities as an Open University for female professionals, managers and entrepreneurs.

Auream Phoenix University is an S.A. organized pursuant to law 32 of 1927 of the Republic of Panama, duly registered with public deed no. 12,054 executed before the Eighth Circuit Notary of Panama and registered in the Public Registry at the address 155710729. The APUW in the jurisdiction of Panama does not carry out any business.

The global academic, administrative and technical-commercial activities are carried out in Italy under a specific license granted to the companies: Uniselinus Europe Networking University Srl and Uniselinus Educational Group Srl, a company incorporated under Italian law with registered office in Ragusa (Italy).


Auream Phoenix University for Women (APUW) is the first private, international, Distance Learning, purpose-built university exclusively dedicated to the education of women. APUW allows every woman engaged in work and family to study and complete her academic goals while remaining in the comfortable environment of her own home.

Contact info

  • Uniselinus Europe Networking University srl
  • Via Roma, 200
  • 97100 Ragusa, Italy
  • VAT IT03860671209 - REA RG 438605
  • +39 0932 51 89 85